Chris Smithers’ version of Desolation Row

Every now and then you come across something on YouTube that hits you right between the eyes. While browsing this week I came across Chris Smither’s cover version of the Bob Dylan song, Desolation Row. It’s on his Train Home CD, which was released back in...

Playing with Snowy White

Actually, my first encounter with Snowy was in Germany. We were both booked to play the same club on the same night. We were the opening act. I was perfectly happy with that arrangement. Shows start early in Germany. They’re always run well and on time, and if...

The Italian Job

While going through some old e-mails recently, I came across the following. It’s a review of the “Beyond The Tears” album and a gig in Milano with Mick Taylor. You know, after the show in Milano I put “Beyond The Tears” on and I drove all...

Johnny Fean – RIP

Back in the early seventies, Horslips was suddenly the name on everyone’s lips. So imagine the surprise when my brothers and I suddenly saw them listed in the entertainment section of our county newspaper The Anglo-Celt. In fact it came as such a surprise we...

Traces Of The Future – co-producing a documentary

It’s funny how one thing often leads to another, in this case how visiting a photo exhibition led to me co-producing a documentary. Herman van Doorn is a well-known Dutch photographer and a couple of years ago I was invited to a photo exhibition of his work in...

Spaziomusica Music Club in Italy

Shortly after Bruno passed away, Daniela contacted me to say she was putting a book together about him. She asked me if I’d mind writing something for it. I was honoured to be asked. Below you can read what I wrote for it. There is a link at the bottom of the...