Merry Christmas

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and good luck for the New Year. Your continued support for Barry and his music is very much appreciated and it is always nice to get such positive follow-up mails from people who have...

Natourale Film Festival

The documentary, Traces Of The Future, has been nominated as one of the finalists in the Natourale Film Festival, held bi-annually in Wiesbaden, Germany. Barry and Suzanne were there two years ago when Flow won an award. It is a very-well run festival and it is quite...

Back from Venice

As the heading says, I just got back from another very enjoyable trip to Venice. I’m really getting to like that city! We were back to show the documentary about Herman – the photographer who is archiving the old arts and crafts before they die out...

Another short story in “Ireland’s Own”

Barry has had another short story published in Ireland’s Own magazine. It’s a story about the first time he met Paul Brady. The issue in question is No. 5989, August 16, 2024 and features Sharon Shannon on the front cover. Well worth checking out if you...