As the heading says, I just got back from another very enjoyable trip to Venice. I’m really getting to like that city!

We were back to show the documentary about Herman – the photographer who is archiving the old arts and crafts before they die out completely. Many of the artisans he has photographed are the last in line. Once they stop, that’s it!
It was shown as part of the European Heritage Days festival, which may have accounted for the high turnout. In any case, it led to some heartfelt debate after the showing. We all know Italians love to talk but it was all very respectful I must say. I think they were impressed that someone from outside Venice cares so much for the city and what may become of it if it is overrun with cheap, plastic copies made in China.
The weather was nice and the city was quite full with tourists still. That’s to be expected in one way as it is an amazing place to visit. I’ve been there now several times and I love it when I’m back in a town/city and at one point I say to myself – oh, I know where I am now. I have that now with Venice.