After lying in the vaults for almost 30 years, this live concert from Albatross is now seeing the light of day for the first time. It was recorded in the south of France in December 1991! Here’s Barry’s introduction to the concert.

There was no place too small or too big for us to tackle, too out of the way for us to play. We loved it all. We lived for it and it’s what we did in town after town, city after city, country after country.
There were no mobile phones with hi-res cameras back in 1991, which means most of what we did lives on only in the memories of those who experienced it on any given day.
Once in a while you get lucky and on 14th December 1991 at Le Canastel in Mourenx, France we got lucky. Pierre Toussaint and his son Nico decided to attend the gig. We’d gotten to know them from playing in the south of France on a regular basis. On the night in question, Pierre ended up playing a little piano with us and Nico decided to film the show. We’re really glad he did otherwise we wouldn’t have this ‘blast from the past’ recording.
I hope you enjoy the show. It’s three guys giving all they’ve got, sounding like an amalgamation of their favourites artists while trying to forge it into a sound of their own… the sound of Albatross.
Band line-up: Barry Mc Cabe – lead vocals and guitars Ramblin’ Rudy – bass guitar and backing vocals Cedric Leonardi – drums
Pierre Toussaint was a ‘special guest’ on our “C’est La Vie” album. Nico Wayne Toussaint is now a very accomplished artist in his own right and you can check him out here:
I saw you guys playing that year on a French campground on the southern Atlantic coastline. Me and 3 friends, 19 years old, fresh out of German high school on our first roadtrip abroad. Ahh, memories….
A musician myself, I was quite impressed with the energy and musicianship of your band and bought both CDs you offered for sale after the gig.
Thanks for commenting, Thilo. We also have great memories of those long summers in the south of France.