It’s that time of the year when we say goodbye to the old and welcome in the new. It’s a time for reflection and hope. We reflect on what we’ve been through and what we’ve achieved – and focus on what we hope to achieve as we move forward on our journey. It’s easy to get caught up in all the negative stuff you see and hear around you but as you know there are two sides to everything and so I choose to look at the positive side of things. What you focus on grows, so I’m looking forward to (another) great year!
You may remember, I wrote a year or so back about the idea of using a ‘guide’ word for the year. My guide word for that year was “gratitude”, which basically means I decided to focus on all the things I could be grateful for throughout that year. It really worked and certainly helped to make me more grateful in an overall sense. I also started writing a Gratitude Journal in that year, which is something I continue to do to this day.
I’ve continued to pick a guide word each year since then. Last year’s word was “acceptance”, which was also a good one to focus on. You find out a lot about yourself when you put a specific aspect of your character under the microscope.
This year my guide word is going to be “share”. It’s easy to do and I hope by concentrating on it a bit more that I’ll end up sharing even more than usual this year. People tend to think about ‘things’ when they think about sharing but it can also be your time, your talent, your knowledge, etc. In fact, I hope to share more moments with you all this year by writing my blog on a more frequent basis, so you can hold me to that one, right!