Well, well, well…how about that then. As you can probably imagine, I’m quite chuffed to see three of my four albums top the best seller lists at CD Baby this week!

Obviously, a HUGE thank you to all of you who’ve been buying the CDs each time they come out. “The Peace Within” was the 1st album I put up at CD Baby to sell. Indeed, the whole internet thing and bands having websites and online distributors was certainly not as common place then as it is today. It really was a step-by-step operation and we all had to learn as we went along. Now several years later the results are in and the good news is – all that hard work has been rewarded!
We followed “The Peace Within” CD with “Absolutely Live Vol. 1” and shortly after that Vol. 2. To see them all now at the top of their respective fields is absolutely amazing – as well as absolutely live!
“The Peace Within” is top of the “Rock/Celtic-Rock” category, “Absolutely Live Vol. 1” is top of the “Blues/Blues-Rock” category, “Absolutely Live Vol. 2” is top of the “Blues/English Style” category and the new CD “Beyond The Tears” is at No. 2 in the “Rock/British-Blues”category. If you consider that it is in CD Baby’s catalogue for much less time than the other 3 CD’s then its position at No. 2 in their Top 40 sellers is phenomal.
I think I’m going to take a well-earned rest and celebrate this weekend. Have a good one everybody – and thanks again so much for the constant support and encouragement. It means the world to me!!!!!