We’ve had to keep amending this news as first “The Peace Within” hit the top spot then that was followed about a week later with “Absolutely Live Vol. 1” hitting the top spot and now “Absolutely Live Vol. 2” has also hit the top spot, with “Beyond The Tears” at no. 2 on the same chart. Thanks everyone for your support!!!
“The Peace Within” is TOP of the sales chart under “Rock/Celtic-Rock”.
“Absolutely Live Vol. 1” is TOP of the sales chart under “Blues/Blues-Rock”
“Absolutely Live Vol. 2” is TOP of the sales chart under “Blues/English Style”
“Beyond The Tears” is No.2 in the sales chart under “Rock/British-Blues”. If you consider that it is in CD Baby’s catalogue for much less time that the other 3 CD’s then its position at no. 2 in their Top 40 sellers is phenomenal.